Profile Photo
We provide you with the opportunity to add a photograph to your profile to help others recognize you. Your profile photo may be removed by LinkedIn if it is not of your likeness. Some examples of photos that shouldn't be used are:
- Company Logos
- Avatars, emojis, or cartoons
- Landscapes
- Animals
- Words or phrases
- Stock images or photos
- Childhood or baby photos (or other images that would not be recognizable to current or potential connections)
Note: Your profile photo may be removed by LinkedIn if it doesn’t comply with our User Agreement and Professional Community Policies.
Background Photo
Adding a background photo to your profile can make your professional story more visually appealing. The background photo appears behind your profile photo in the introduction section on your profile. The photo may be removed by LinkedIn if it doesn't comply with our User Agreement and Professional Community Policies.
All photos must comply with our User Agreement and Professional Community Policies. If we remove your photo, you can upload a different photo of yourself to replace it. If you have questions about why your photo was removed, please contact us.