From the course: Introduction to Prompt Engineering for Generative AI

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Challenge: Zero-shot, few-shot learning

Challenge: Zero-shot, few-shot learning

From the course: Introduction to Prompt Engineering for Generative AI

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Challenge: Zero-shot, few-shot learning

(upbeat music) - [Instructor] So here's a fun one. We're going to take a paragraph about Jupiter and turn it into a rhyming question answer engine. And the way we're going to do this is using zero-shot learning and then we'll turn it into few-shot learning and we'll start with this input. Now the way to jumpstart this is if we head over to, we can go to summarize for a second grader. And if you can't find this, go ahead and pick an article from Wikipedia and choose its first opening paragraph. Now I'm going to go right to Open in Playground and this tells me summarize for a second grader. So this is not the task we're looking for, but this right here is what we're going to work with. So go ahead and give this a try. The zero-shot approach will take you a few minutes. Few-shot approach may take you a bit longer, so up to 10 or 15 minutes is totally fine. Even more than that is okay if you really…
